Fully Managed IT Support


“The quality of your IT systems is vital to profitability and growth potential”

We recognise that many businesses are aware that the reliability and quality of their IT systems is vital to the profitability and growth potential of their organisation. That good systems improve productivity, staff morale and customer confidence.

“Control your costs and make budgeting easy”

A maintenance contract means your costs are predictable, you can budget without worrying about unexpected bills. You only need to plan for the predictable upgrades and replacement of aging equipment.

“Prevention is better than cure”

We believe that prevention is better than a cure. We’ve invested significant time developing systems to make sure that minor issues do not escalate to become major problems. Backups are monitored every day, patches on servers are applied regularly and alerts are sent if any significant errors are logged. With ServerSentry this is improved to 24/7 automated monitoring.

“Friendly support to keep your staff productive”

With a support contract your employees know we are available to resolve IT issues. There is nothing more frustrating than being unable to print that vital quote, show a presentation or send an important email. Our friendly support will keep your staff productive. This even extends to helping with items supplied by a third party, be it phones, printers, software, broadband, etc.

“Advice to help you reach your goals”

As we get to know your systems well we be able to provide useful advice to improve your systems and alert you to new technologies. If you have specific goals in mind we can provide solutions to help you reach them.